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At 32 degrees Celsius in the Arctic Circle, how should the auto industry "cool down" it? Share

Recently, according to Server-Weather data, a temperature of 32 degrees Celsius was measured on the 30th of the month in the Arctic Circle, and even higher temperatures were measured in other regions, exceeding the average temperature of 15 degrees Celsius in previous years.
Yes, 32 degrees Celsius, a temperature enough to turn glaciers into seawater.
Statistics show that in the past 40 years, the Arctic Circle summer sea ice area has been reduced by nearly half, leaving only about 3.5 million square kilometers.
/ The glaciers on which the polar bears live are melting faster /
A mother polar bear, holding her child tightly, was helpless on a slap-sized ice floe.
I don't know how long they have drifted. After despair again and again, they finally found a "new continent" where they are compared. They are lucky compared to other companions.
Because more often than not, their companions have not yet had time to see that snowy home, and they have become corpses, letting the waves wash to the shore. Their cause of death is drowning.
This animal that is good at swimming died from drowning.
The body of a little polar bear found on the shore
In order to survive, some polar bears have to go hungry and swim in the water for 9 consecutive days to find a piece of floating ice that can rest.
In these 9 days, despair overwhelmed his numb body over and over again, how lucky it would be to meet that small piece of ice floe, and how strong it would be to keep his eyes closed.
If you have experienced swimming in the water until you feel fatigued, and you have experienced the despair of losing buoyancy, then you may be able to understand that the polar bear can not find the despair of the foothold in the endless sea.
These are just a microcosm of many homeless polar bears, and also a microcosm of the survival status of more arctic creatures.
Western Forest Fire
The abnormally high temperature persists, and it is not only the Arctic that suffers. On July 18th, the continued high temperature and drought triggered forest fires. The fires spread in Sweden, Finland, Norway and Russia, and even in the Arctic Circle. There has been no noticeable rainfall for 54 consecutive days in England, and the German agricultural harvest has decreased by 20-50% compared to the same period last year.
Specifically to my country, Beijing issued 23 high-temperature warnings in a row. The high temperature in many places in the Northeast exceeded the historical average, and some regions even exceeded 40 degrees Celsius.
Perhaps in the end, it is not only Arctic glaciers and polar bears that disappear, but also us humans.
It is undeniable that human activities are one of the main causes of global warming. Fortunately, environmental protection issues have always been valued by us, and the slogans of energy conservation, emission reduction and green travel have also been put into practice by us.
In the automotive industry, the country also encourages the development of new energy vehicles from the policy level, reduces dependence on oil, and vigorously promotes shared travel. Regarding the waste batteries generated by new energy vehicles, it has also formulated relevant recycling policies to reduce the environmental impact. Pollution.
/ Reducing carbon emissions, new energy vehicles are the key /
In November 2010, the “Annual Report on the Prevention and Control of Motor Vehicle Pollution in China (2010)” released by the Ministry of Environmental Protection for the first time announced the emission of motor vehicle pollutants. Studies have shown that motor vehicle exhaust emissions are the main source of air pollution in large and medium-sized cities in China. According to statistics from the Ministry of Public Security, as of the end of 2017, the number of motor vehicles nationwide reached 310 million. It is imminent to accelerate the development of new energy vehicles and reduce motor vehicle pollution.
Especially since the beginning of the 21st century, the energy crisis and environmental pollution issues have become a worldwide challenge. The development of new environmentally friendly energy has thus become a major issue that determines the future destiny of mankind. Among them, the status of new energy vehicles is pivotal.
This is also one of the important reasons for my country to vigorously promote the development of the new energy vehicle industry.
At the consumer level, the policy of exempting purchase tax on new energy vehicles is implemented to stimulate consumers to purchase new energy vehicles.
In July 2014, a decision to exempt new energy vehicle purchase tax from September 1, 2014 to December 31, 2017 was made at the executive meeting of the State Council chaired by Premier Li;
On December 27, 2017, the Ministry of Finance, the State Administration of Taxation, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, and the Ministry of Science and Technology jointly issued an announcement that from January 1, 2018 to December 31, 2020, purchase of new energy vehicles will be exempt from purchase tax.
In other words, the new energy vehicle exemption purchase tax policy has been extended for three years on the basis of 2014. At the same time, relevant regulations such as the restrictions on the number of fuel vehicles and the restrictions on new energy vehicles are also stabilizing consumers' mentality in buying new energy vehicles, further increasing the scale of the new energy vehicle industry.
Specific to the product level, in the past few years, due to the lack of core technical capabilities of enterprises, the problems of short battery life, long charging time and short cruising range of new energy vehicles have been the pain of the industry. Nowadays, with the continuous advancement of technology, the cruising range of most domestic models has reached more than 300 kilometers. For example, the pre-ordered Weimar EX5 has recently been opened. Its NEDC comprehensive operating range cruising range is 300km, 400km, 460km, which can fully meet the daily needs. Travel needs.
At the enterprise level, the “Parallel Management Method of Average Fuel Consumption of Passenger Car Enterprises and New Energy Vehicle Points” (referred to as “double point policy”) can be said to be the most important policy, which determines the future of China’s automobile industry. The pattern indicates the future development direction of China's auto industry.
The arrival of the "double point policy", whether it is fuel cars or new energy vehicles, will enter an unprecedented point era, and this has also brought unprecedented challenges to many car companies, which can encourage them to vigorously develop new energy vehicles. Effectively promote the transformation of enterprises from traditional fuel vehicles to new energy vehicles.
In addition, the subsidies for new energy vehicles are also a good policy to stimulate the development of new energy vehicles. Although the New Deal subsidy has already cancelled the subsidies for new energy vehicles with a cruising range of less than 150 kilometers, new energy vehicles with high cruising range will receive higher subsidies, which also shows that China has put forward higher indicators for the cruising range of new energy vehicles. With stricter requirements, China will gradually step out of the initial stage of new energy vehicle development.
New energy vehicles have even been upgraded to the national strategic level. In "Made in China 2025", it is pointed out that new energy vehicles are one of the ten key areas that will vigorously promote breakthrough development in the next 30 years; "Intelligent Car Innovation Development Strategy" also proposes the strategic vision of being the first to build a powerful smart car country in 2035; The "Medium and Long-Term Development Plan for the Automobile Industry" puts forward the general goal of "taking new energy vehicles and smart vehicles as breakthroughs and striving to enter the ranks of world automobile powers after ten years of continuous efforts."
China is the first and possibly the only country in the world that takes the development of new energy vehicles as a national strategy.
Under the vigorous promotion of policies, my country's sales of new energy vehicles have been ranked first in the world for three years since 2015. From January to June this year, my country's new energy vehicle sales were 412,000, an increase of 111.5% year-on-year, and global sales were 760,000. If there is no accident, domestic new energy vehicle sales will exceed 1 million in 2018.
/ Green travel, car sharing is the key /
In the case of fuel cars occupying the home field in the domestic and even the world, in order to ease the pressure on the environment and energy, in addition to vigorously developing new energy vehicles, a healthy and green travel method is essential.
As a new energy vehicle, shared car has received unanimous praise from everyone in terms of promoting low-carbon life and green travel, and has also received strong support from the country. In July 2014, the State Council issued the "Guiding Opinions on Accelerating the Promotion and Application of New Energy Vehicles", which mentioned that it is necessary to accelerate the construction of charging facilities, actively guide enterprises to innovate business models, and promote the first promotion and application of public services.
In 2017, the Ministry of Communications and the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development jointly issued the "Guiding Opinions on Promoting the Healthy Development of Small and Micro Passenger Car Leasing", which clearly proposes encouraging the development of time-sharing leasing, encouraging the use of new energy vehicles for time-sharing leasing, and in infrastructure layout and construction Give support.
/ Recycling of power and electricity is the key /
Although new energy vehicles do not have direct carbon emissions and other pollutants, after the scrapping of the power core of new energy vehicles, power batteries, if they are not handled properly, they will cause great harm to the environment.
Wu Feng, a professor at Beijing Institute of Technology, once said publicly: "A 20-gram mobile phone battery pollutes the water of three standard swimming pools. If it is discarded on the land, it will pollute 1 square kilometer of land for 50 years. Imagine if it is a few Tons of electric vehicle power batteries are discarded in the natural environment, and a large number of heavy metals and chemical substances entering nature will cause greater pollution to the environment."
At present, the service life of power batteries is generally 5-8 years, which also means that from 2018, my country will face the first wave of scrapped new energy vehicle power batteries entering the market. Statistics show that in 2018, power battery scrap recycling will reach 63,900 tons, an increase of 129.99% year-on-year; by 2020, it will reach 247,600 tons.
A large number of power batteries, if there is no correct disposal method, will cause great harm to the environment, but also a waste of resources.
To this end, at the beginning of 2018, the seven ministries and commissions jointly issued the "Interim Measures for the Management of New Energy Vehicle Power Battery Recycling Management", emphasizing the implementation of the extended producer responsibility system, requiring automobile manufacturers to assume the main responsibility for power battery recycling, and in August 2018 Effective from January 1.
Immediately afterwards, in May, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology formulated the "Interim Provisions on the Traceability Management of New Energy Vehicle Power Battery Recycling", which will be implemented on August 1, 2018. The regulations indicate that in the future, a "new energy vehicle national monitoring and power battery recycling and traceability integrated management platform" will be established to collect information on the entire process of power battery production, sales, use, scrapping, recycling, and utilization, and perform on all links. Implementation of inspections on recycling responsibilities.
Although there are still many difficulties on the way of power battery recycling, with the continuous progress of related technologies and the continuous improvement of policies, future power batteries that are scrapped must have their best "home."
We have always enjoyed the convenience brought by technological progress, but we do not know the crisis hidden behind this convenience. Now that the Arctic Circle has a high temperature of 32 degrees Celsius, I believe many people are already alert.
Both the country and the major car companies are working hard to solve environmental and energy problems, and to build a sustainable society. I believe that in the future, while building a beautiful home for mankind, we can also bring a beautiful home for polar bears and even other creatures.