

I heard that we made a time-sharing lease? Share

With the online car-hailing mode of "Beep, Beautiful Travel", our travel is becoming more and more convenient, people are still sitting at home, and the car is already on the way to pick us up. However, the omnipotent big data still reveals a fact that we have been negligent-"there is a long way to go."
/ Opportunity for development /
Take the example of travel behavior, shared bicycles solve the 0-3 km public transport connection needs; solve the short-distance direct travel needs of 0-10 km; car rental solves the need for long-distance vehicles over 100 km; and There is no corresponding supply for 10-100 km of travel demand, which accounts for 45% of the total.
Taking Beijing as an example, except for walking, cycling, bus, subway and other travel methods, Beijing needs 24.2 million passenger trips per day, of which 15 million are private cars, 4 million taxis + black cars, and about 500 Ten thousand times was forced to take the subway and bus because there was no private car or no car.
In addition, according to statistics from the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers, the growth rate of private car ownership in China is slowing down, and more and more people are beginning to choose public transportation. At the same time, in August 2017, the Ministry of Transport and the Ministry of Housing, Urban and Rural Construction jointly released
/ Industry pain points /
In fact, time-sharing leasing is not a whim, it has been dormant for more than three years under heavy capital and operation. On January 9, 2018, the fourth AutoLab Auto Industry Annual Conference was held in Shanghai. Car rental CMO Duan Yi said at the meeting that there are 40,000 to 50,000 hourly rental vehicles in the market, and there are about 400 operators, but only a few are quite large. Basic conditions such as landing resources, parking spaces, charging piles, and insurance services are the minimum entry thresholds for the time-sharing rental industry. In addition, there is a heavy capital and operational capacity.
In order to acquire a large number of users, and adopt ultra-high cost-effective services to attract users, the possibility of profitable bicycles after heavy investment is greatly discounted, or even not; and it is difficult for companies to achieve large-scale expansion in the case of continuous losses, and ultimately scarce Resources and broken services further affect user satisfaction and choice.
And in terms of operational capabilities, it is extremely testing the company-how to achieve expansion under the condition of limited financial resources? How to achieve the best match between people and vehicles? As the first company that shared cars fell, EZZY's person in charge once said that it was indeed a mess. / The way out of the industry /
In terms of external factors, the state has vigorously promoted the construction of charging piles to achieve 4.8 million charging piles by 2020, and many charging pile enterprises are willing to build piles around time-sharing parking spaces, which can ensure the utilization rate, which also makes time-sharing lease enterprises There is no need for dispatchers to transfer vehicles to other places for charging. At the same time, local governments have provided low-cost or free parking spaces for new energy time-sharing.
From the perspective of internal factors, Xu Guopeng, the CEO of Mobility, believes that a "centralized" approach should be adopted. First, the vehicle scale should not be rushed, but the development and application of core technologies should be focused. The micro-car rental section Yi said that big data is the key to helping operating partners reduce operating costs and improve operating efficiency, and is also a reliable means to increase user stickiness and core advantages of enterprises. Xu Guopeng also affirmed the important role of data applications in time-sharing leasing, such as obtaining information through channels such as in-vehicle operation and control, charging pile data, mobile phone transmission, parking space information, in-vehicle hardware, etc., which constitute an important source for understanding user behavior. Data collection such as electricity, mileage, operating conditions, and vehicle failures is also a prerequisite for improving operational services.
/ Boost /
As a car networking hardware and software service provider, it has been cultivating the industry for 20 years and formed a "hardware + platform" integrated enterprise. In the time-sharing lease, using big data development technology and its own industry experience, it has also figured out a set of software services to help companies improve operational services while giving users a brand new car experience. The time-sharing leasing platform is composed of in-vehicle terminals, leasing business centers, operation management platforms, IoV data centers, mobile APP applications, and third-party payment services. It fully realizes customer on-demand, full-service self-service, and also allows users to commute in the park 3. The rental car for daily travel in the city or short-distance travel around the city is more convenient to use. Users only need to download the APP registration account to start the car rental service. Suo Ling also added a variety of functions such as map query, car navigation, vehicle status check, mileage and power query, and parking space search in the APP, which fully meets the user's driving needs and has no worries. On the enterprise side, the platform not only has comprehensive fleet management, but also real-time operation scheduling, operation planning, driver management, trip record management, etc.; on the operation management platform, customer relationship management is also set up to manage customers on a point system, with each Activities, reminders, information and other news to increase the user's activity and viscosity, and finally through our CRM system to help companies analyze the user's hobbies and behaviors, maximize the company to familiarize your customers, so as to provide customers with "Just good" demand services increase user satisfaction.
Whether it is Internet of Vehicles, unmanned driving or time-sharing rental, we will provide you with professional personalized driving services and experiences with the most cutting-edge technology.