

Take a big step forward and pass CarPlay certification! Share

In 2017, the shares submitted the CarPlay self-certification test report for the first time and sent the bench to Apple for the first time;
In 2018, after five rounds of testing, the shares passed the CarPlay certification with an industry pass rate of only 2%.
In 2018, on this day, all Suo Ling people will bear in mind!
When the first generation was held in the hand, almost no one was optimistic about this slap-sized electronic product, but it became a legendary product that changed the world. Every time a new product is launched, there is always a boo, but the onlookers are beaten by data strength. Nowadays, every product launched attracts global attention and touches the heart of every fanatic. "Would you like to sell sugar water for the rest of your life, or would you like an opportunity to change the world?" As the world's most listed company and recognized as the greatest company, yes, there is never a shortage of products that can change the world. For example, CarPlay.